The intern experience at Huawei in my first college year was definitely one of the most valuable experiences of my life. I was lucky enough to have the freedom to work on a full-stack web platform for an algorithm competition, and was awarded the Outstanding Intern Award. Steps I took to develop the platform include:
- Built the game server using Golang/Gin, deployed in Ubuntu and optimized runtime for Golang, Python, C++, and Rust. Established a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins for competitor algorithm integration.
- Implemented a REST API using Flask. Built the front-end platform with HTML, jQuery, and Socket.IO, designed user interface, and styled with CSS.
- Designed MySQL database architecture. Implemented authentication seamlessly integrated with Huawei SSO.

I had the opportunity to be a part of VMware's i4good vInternship Program in summer 2022, in which I worked with a machine learning team and learned a lot about industry-level development cycle, DevOps, product management, and many other details about how people in VMware worked together in regular meeting sessions. I also directly contributed to their work by re-writing XML data preprocessing programs from Java to Python. This valuable intern experience was my first step into the industry to learn real-world DevOps and empower me to be more than an independent developer.
Serving on FRC Team 6394 MITO was my most cherished memory from high school. I joined the team in 2019 as a programmer, became the co-captain and head programmer in August 2020 until I graduated in August 2022. Since then, I have continued to serve as a mentor for the team. Some of the contributions I made include:
- Lead the programming group to cooperate with GitHub and programmed industrial-level robots in Java.
- Built a Flask web app for match data collection using SQLite, deployed on Tencent Cloud, and analyzed data with pandas.
- Lectured team members on Java programming and control theory. Designed training projects to cultivate teamwork skills.
- Built a team management system using Lark and managed team projects. Compiled an open team wiki for knowledge sharing, wrote 5000+ words of technical documentation.
- Expanded the team’s influence in STEM education by designing promotional posters, writing blog posts, operating social media, and organizing science camps at local schools.
- Organized team social events regularly, resolved team conflicts, built a positive team vibe and a common team spirit.